Erster Kontakt nur über WhatsApp.
Sessions nur mit Terminvereinbarung .
Maybe, you’re looking for someone... different?
I’ve lived a "normal" life— multiple marriages... corporate battles... still running businesses. But I’ll never forget how it all began...
I walk onto a construction site ready to check the flooring process..
Men on their knees, working hard...
A thrill courses through me...
My black Valentino stilettos inches away from their faces...
Then, one carpenter catches my eye...his gaze drops to my heels.
Electric tension...
his cheeks flush...
he quickly bows his head....
Can you guess what happened next? Send me your version...))
That moment ignited a craving... Craving to explore the depths of sexuality...the hidden power dynamics...
Where will this journey lead us?
Are you ready to dive into this adventure with me?
Lady Camellia
Erster Kontakt erfolgt ausschließlich über WhatsApp. Ich antworte nicht auf Anrufe oder SMS. Wenn ich nicht auf Ihre Nachrichten bei WhatsApp antworte, bedeutet das, dass Sie bereits auf meiner schwarzen Liste stehen (für dumme Fragen, Versuche zu feilschen oder Versuche, endlose Gespräche zu führen).
First contact is exclusively via WhatsApp. I do not respond to calls or SMS. If I do not reply to your messages on WhatsApp, it means you are already on my blacklist (for silly questions, attempts to bargain, or attempts to engage in endless conversations)
PS: Bitte erwähne bei deiner Kontaktaufnahme, dass du die Anzeige von
"Bizzar Lady Camellia" in Schwerin auf
gesehen hast!